lilac infused honey

Lilac season in the High Rockies of Colorado moves fast! Blink and you’ll miss it. Here’s your cue to take advantage of this beautiful bounty while she’s here.

This simple Lilac Infused Honey is the perfect way to preserve the season of Spring, and be able to enjoy the sweet & gentle yet powerful energy of Lilac all year long.

What I love most about this recipe is the lilac flowers stay in the honey and aren’t strained out. They really add a touch of whimsy and elegance to a cup of tea, a slice of toast, or instantly elevate a charcuterie board.


  • Clean glass jar

  • Raw local honey 8 oz

  • Lilac flowers 1/3 cup

harvesting & washing lilac

When harvesting lilac, pick fresh blooms that have little to no brown on the petals.

I like to keep the petals on the stem and wash with tepid water in the sink, this helps to remove any dust or dirt. Give a gentle shake and place on a kitchen towel to dry.

I grab one stem at a time and shake against a paper towel to remove any other water or bugs and to gently activate the volatile oils of the petals.

Gently pick off the blooms leaving any green stems aside. Make sure all of the green is removed, otherwise it will add a bitter taste to your honey.

I find that purple blooms are more flavorful than white. If white lilacs are what you’re working with, don’t let this stop you, white blooms still make a delicious infusion!

preparing your lilac infusion

Warm your honey in a saucepan on med-high heat. As the honey starts to warm, stir every few minutes until you notice that it has a thin consistency. Once the honey is heated, turn off heat and remove from the stove.

As your honey is heating up, add 1/3 cup of lilac for every 8 oz jar of honey. As with a lot of these simple recipes, feel free to PLAY! You can always use a little bit more or little bit less. Rough measurements are fine too, trust your intuition. I KNOW there’s a witch in there somewhere. ;)

Place the clean flowers directly into the jar. They are edible and add a beautiful touch to your cup of tea or on toast. Not to mention look gorgeous on a charcuterie board.

Simply pour the honey directly over the flowers making sure they are covered. The lilacs will naturally float to the top and wilt in the warm honey. Cover with a lid and voila! As the honey starts to cool, the flavors really start to blend together.

Spin the jar every few hours or at least once per day for a few days to really get the flavors blended nicely.

Let sit at the very least a full 24 hours.

Add a bit of magic to the mundane, enjoy!

extra lilac magic

Not only is lilac pleasing to the eye and nose, it also contains metaphysical properties worth exploring!

Lilac can be used for warding off negative energies and unwanted spirits. Place lilac petals around the home for energetic protection.

Lilac flower is a mood lightener, from the beautiful color, to fragrant scent, the petals can be used to draw positive energy, bring pleasure & adventure into your life.

Lilac is also known for it’s use in divination spells, to boost clairvoyance and help with ancestral work.

Witchy tips

Save your lilac branches once you’ve harvested your petals, grab some jute or twine and make a lilac smudge bundle. Hang to dry. Burn when you are in need a mood boost, or diving into any spell work. Stay magical, witches.

P.S. Don’t forget to save a few blooms for a Ritual Bath!




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