Simple fruit & veggie wash

Okay, this is a SUPER easy way to make sure all of your fresh fruits and veggies are free of all the bacteria and gunk that can accumulate through processing, packaging and traveling all the way from the vine to your plate.

Best part? Chances are you have all the ingredients you need already in your cupboard.


  • Baking soda

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Essential Oils (Optional) Tea Tree, Lemon

From dirt & bugs to icky pesticides and waxes, this simple Veggie & Fruit Wash solution will soak off any of the icky stuff that you don’t really want inside your body.

Simply put all of your veggies and fruits into a clean sink. I suggest anything with a thicker skin to go right in the sink! Anything softer like broccoli florets, cauliflower, or berries, I’d suggest putting in a colander to easily strain them out Especially to keep your berries from getting crushed by the bigger things.

Fill the sink with warm water, the heat in the water helps to melt off any waxes that are usually applied to fruits like apples and grapes.

Add in about a tablespoon or so of baking soda, and a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar. If you can, get Apple Cider Vinegar that is “with the mother”. I like to use Bragg’s, it’s a tried and true brand that has been around for years!

If you’d like to add in essential oils like Tea Tree or Lemon, add 1-3 drops. I love Tea Tree for it’s amazing antibacterial properties. Don’t worry, 1-3 drops for a whole sink full won’t make your produce taste funny. If you’re unsure, lemon works great too!

Swish everything around and let soak for 10-20 minutes.

Drain the sink and be sure to spray down your produce to wash away any residue of gunk that came loose in the soak!

Place your produce on a kitchen towel to dry off, and voila! Squeaky clean produce. :)


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